Eckhart Tolle is one of the most prominent spiritual teachers in the world today. Born in a small town in Germany in 1948, three years after the end of World Wa...
As tiny babies, we come into this world full of power. While we don’t have physical power or intellectual power yet, we are born with the innate ability of bein...
The Most Powerful 2 Minute Video You'll Watch Today - Dr. Maya Angelou
Whether you are religious or not. Faith is powerful in any form. Dr. Maya Angelou was on...
Do you ever wish you could go back in time and give advice to your younger self? Personally, I know I do all the time. My 20's were fun but not as life-changing...
Hafez was a poet and mystic of the great Persian empire. His life and poems are still considered mystical to this day.
The great Ralph Waldo Emerson and oth...
Ralph Waldo Emerson was an American philosopher and poet who led the transcendentalist's movement of the 19th century. His works have been revered for centuries...
Have you ever heard the saying “choose your words wisely”?
Words are so incredibly powerful. What we speak aloud we affirm.
Why then does it seem that so ...
Epictetus was a slave of the Roman empire but once freed began to teach philosophy. He was a Greek stoic philosopher who taught that philosophy is a way life an...
The world is so busy and humans get into such routines it's easy to forget that you are in control of your life. But your mind is extremely powerful and in char...
The tail of success is chased by many every day, yet only the most determined and dedicated get to take a grip of it.
Whether success means starting your own...
Gautama Buddha was an ascetic sage whose teachings founded Buddhism. He was an enlightened teacher who attained full “Buddahood” and shared his insights with th...
Little Habits That Make A Big Difference & Give You Peace of Mind
Dealing with a busy day-to-day life can make it hard to think about our health. Our peace...
It is easy to believe that all human beings are inherently good people with good intentions, but sadly that is not always the case. Although the good surely ou...
"The advice I give to people today is: fast forward where you are, look at yourself in 10-15-20 years time and ask yourself the question Is that where i want to...
Robin Sharma Quotes and 6 Lessons to Help You Win At Life
“You are born into genius...but have you resigned yourself into mediocrity?” - Robin Sharma Quotes
6 Ways Meditation Beginners Can Make Meditation A Daily Habit
Meditation is exploding in popularity and mainstream acceptance as more and more people realize t...
Eckhart Tolle Most Powerful Quotes and 5 Life Lessons to Liberate Yourself
“Whatever you fight, you strengthen, and what you resist, persists.” ― Eckhart Tol...
15 Quotes on Silence to Bring Powerful Insights to Your Life
Silence holds immense power. When we learn to still the mind, we are able to create what we want i...
5 Ways To Live Consciously And What Does It Really Mean
Many people live a life of quiet desperation. They just go with the flow, join the herd. Their only rew...
Vishen Lakhiani is an entrepreneur, speaker, and has done remarkable work with his innovative education technology company Mindvalley which focuses on personal ...