How to Become The Creator of Your Life
“I don’t dream at night. I dream all day. I dream for a living.” - Steven Spielberg
Some of us live life on our own t...
Intuition, or a drive from within to act on sudden inspiration, has such a negative connotation in society. We are expected to think with our heads and be "prac...
5 Principles to Live By For a Happier, More Fulfilled Life
What is the meaning of life? There is no precise, definitive meaning for every human. What I mean ...
Life is always happening right now. There is never anything else. Understanding this concept can have a profound and immediate affect on your life. Here are 11 ...
What Is Higher Consciousness And How Can We Access It?
The term 'Higher Consciousness' is a little hard to define, and can even sound a bit far fetched and ‘wo...
Jiddu Krishnamurti was a well-known Indian philosopher, speaker and writer. His profound teachings were largely based around humanity's need to learn separation...
Anyone can develop self-confidence. Just like any personality trait, it is conditioned and if you want to find the answers to re-condition yourself into confide...
Harbhajan Singh or Yogi Bhajan as he is known to his followers, was a yogi, spiritual teacher, and entrepreneur, who introduced Kundalini Yoga to the United Sta...
One of the most common, disempowering beliefs that we hold onto in our lives is that other people have the power to hurt us. This belief, which I refer to as a ...
In our society, there seems to be a commonly held idea that loving yourself makes you selfish, inconsiderate or rude. Actually, self-love means that you choose ...
Most of us have heard of the benefits of meditation and even with all of the evidence supporting the practice, many of us just don't do it. Perhaps this is beca...
Alan Watts was a British philosopher, writer, and speaker. His powerful speeches and words challenge the status quo, and they encourage each of us to discover o...
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is an Indian spiritual leader and teacher. He is the founder of The Art of Living Foundation, a humanitarian organisation based on the phil...
Siddhartha Gautama, or Buddha, lived around 25 centuries ago. He came to be called Buddha, which translates to ‘awakened one’, after he experienced a profound r...
To be mindful is to be present in your life without constant and incessant judgements, labels and criticisms. When we are mindful, we experience life as it is, ...
Thich Nhat Hanh is a famous spiritual leader, poet and peace activist. His powerful teachings on mindfulness and peace have inspired millions across the globe, ...