The definition of problem is: a question raised for inquiry, consideration, or solution.


As we walk this crazy and winding road of life, it’s not news that we will face challenges and problems along the way. So often though, rather than seeing our problems as opportunities for growth, we see them as roadblocks or stop signs, sometimes even allowing them to stop us from moving forward entirely. This broken perspective puts us into a disempowered place, a position of fear and uncertainty which then further hinders our ability to be receptive to solutions to the problem we are faced with.


The truth is that problems are not meant to stop us in our tracks, rather they can be seen as guidelines for us to reevaluate our current approach, to take stock of the way in which we are proceeding and decide whether or not we are taking the right course of action for the outcome we desire.

Problems Are Not Stop Signs, They Are Guidelines

Problems Are Not Stop Signs They Are Guidelines - The Inspiring Robert Schuller I see the invisible. I believe the incredible. I attempt the impossible.

When was the last time you faced a problem? Was it 5 days a go? 5 minutes, 5 seconds? Problems come up ALL THE TIME, it’s how we deal with them that determines our destiny. 


When we look at our problems emotionally, we often fall into overwhelm, and therefore step further away from being truly in the present moment and accepting life as it is. Ironically this presence and mindfulness is the state which is actually required for us to be in, to solve our problems. Ah, life is full of paradoxes!


So how can we practice mindfulness around our problems and avoid falling into the trap of coming to a complete stop when they arise?

Problems Are Not Stop Signs They Are Guidelines

1- Give thanks.

Gratitude is a wonderful way to reframe the way we view our problems. When we are truly grateful, we place ourselves into a receptive and high vibrational state, and this opens us up to viewing things in new and perhaps previously unexplored ways.

Let your hopes, not your hurts, shape your future. Problems Are Not Stop Signs They Are Guidelines - The Inspiring Robert Schuller

Problems Are Not Stop Signs They Are Guidelines

2- Choose to see your problems as a map for your life.

Each problem you face is placed to help determine your resolve, your commitment and your clarity. Don’t be afraid to go back to your map even if you were sure that you knew the way.

Problems Are Not Stop Signs They Are Guidelines - The Inspiring Robert Schuller Never cut a tree down in the wintertime. Never make a negative decision in the low time. Never make your most important decisions when you are in your worst moods. Wait. Be patient. The storm will pass. The spring will come.

Problems Are Not Stop Signs They Are Guidelines

3- Trust the journey.

As human beings, we tend to think we have all the answers and so when a problem arises that we did not see coming, we freak out. This is where we need to learn to trust life, trust ourselves and embrace the ups and downs that are part of being human. Take one step, and then one more, with hope in your heart and a smile on your lips, knowing you are safe and guided.

What great thing would you attempt if you knew you could not fail? Problems Are Not Stop Signs They Are Guidelines - The Inspiring Robert Schuller

Life truly is about the journey of becoming, not the destination. So face your problems with courage, embrace the lessons and don’t forget to enjoy the ride.



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