How Meditation The Changes Brain For The Better

You don’t have to be spiritual or religious to believe in meditation. The benefits of meditation are scientifically proven and will also benefit you if you get past the thinking that meditation is boring or only for monks. The best part is, you don’t need a high-tech machine to meditate. It is just you and your mind. 

With each meditation session, you train your mind to be more aware and slowly this awareness becomes a permanent fixture in your life. Meditation changes the brain with the virtue of its plasticity – ability to mold itself – and puts you back in the driver seat. As a result, you feel grounded, relaxed, and your threshold to handle stress and challenges increases.

meditation changes the brain

This is why it is increasingly gaining popularity among entrepreneurs, politicians, and so many highly successful people. Here is how meditation changes the brain for the better:

Stress and Anxiety Reduce Permanently

We have a ‘me’ center in our brains, the medial prefrontal cortex, that’s always running this “story of me” in the background. It is the monkey mind, that keeps blabbering things about us and our life experiences. Since this ‘me center’ is strongly connected to the fear center and physical sensations, it makes us anxious about everything in life.

Amidst this anxiety and constant distraction, meditation proves to be a valuable tool as it weakens the connection between this me center and fear and physical sensations. As a result, we don’t worry about the little things, don’t feel the physical sensations of stress and anxiety as often as we used to. Simply put, it makes our life much more peaceful than it used to be.

In fact, research has proven that meditation is as effective as medication when it comes to treating depression and anxiety. Meditation can reduce anxiety in people with anxiety disorder or social anxiety disorder. Guided Meditations in particular are very helpful to beginners and those who have trouble quieting the mind.

It Physically Changes The Important Areas in The Brain!

People who meditate have more grey matter in the brain and this difference is huge in long-term meditators. These changes are reported in the prefrontal cortex (grew thicker): a region responsible for decision making and emotional regulation; amygdala (volume decreased): which is responsible for. And the older we get, the more we tend to forget things and our learning capacity reduces. But long-term meditators have a strong chance to retain their memory and learning functions.

But how long does it take to reap the benefits of meditation? Just 2 months. Research done by Harvard Medical School revealed that, when participants did 27 minutes of meditation on average per day, the transformation in the brain was seen within 8 weeks. The best part is that the effects of this 8-week course last years after.

It Helps You Build Self-Control and Overcome Addictions

Meditation is perhaps the greatest tool to build self-control. Because with each practice you’re training your mind to focus or be aware. Whether you want to build healthy habits to get ahead in life or you want to quit addictive substances, meditation can help you accomplish it and get back on track.

How does meditation build self-control? You are no longer remain reactive to the addictive stimulus such as a cigarette, or a drink. Meditation helps you bring awareness to your defeating habits and with this awareness you’re better able to make healthy lifestyle decisions.

Final Thoughts

Meditation changes the brain for the better with the huge number of benefits it has to offer. From reducing stress and anxiety, making us emotionally aware and regulated to building self-control and help us build good habits, meditation can literally transform our lives.

So if you feel stressed or anxious often or simply want to enjoy a more relaxed and grounded life, then give meditation a try and see how it changes your life!



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