As human beings, we are in a constant state of personal evolution. Jobs, relationships, responsibilities bring with them unique sets of joys, fears, and challen...
Dr Christiane Northrup is an New York Times Best Selling author and a leading authority on women's health, wellness and self love. Dr. Northrup teaches us that ...
India Arie is a famous American singer-songwriter, actress, and musician. Her music is deeply powerful and poetic with strong themes of universal love and perso...
We are often presented with situations in life where we can feel uncertain on how best to move forward. We can find ourselves asking, 'what is the best move her...
How to embrace change? Change is a part of life. As time marches on we are all subjected to its effects: Ageing, movement, shifting, adjusting; but even though ...
We have all felt pain at one point or another throughout our lives. Sometimes, particularly when the cuts are deep, we can have a hard time letting go of that p...
How To Stop Taking Yourself So Seriously And Truly Enjoy Life
Most people want to make a positive impact on the world within their lifetime. In one way or anot...
To have a healthy self-esteem means having confidence in our abilities; having self respect and really seeing our value as a person. When we have low self estee...
Life is a journey, filled with ups and downs. With each challenge, each hurdle, we are presented with an opportunity to grow as a person. To choose to be passio...
What Is Higher Consciousness And How Can We Access It?
The term 'Higher Consciousness' is a little hard to define, and can even sound a bit far fetched and ‘wo...
Neale Donald Walsch is an American author made famous by his series of books called ‘Conversations with God’. After losing his marriage, all of his belonginging...
Meditation. It’s something that mostly everyone has heard of and perhaps even tried once or twice. But thanks to scientific research, meditation is becoming inc...