Ever have those days where you just feel like everything is going your way? You are just in a good mood just because you want to be?

Those are the best days that get you through tough times and keep you motivated even when things aren’t always going as planned.

But have you asked yourself, “Why isn’t every day like that?” While there are many factors, one of them is your “happy chemicals” known as your endorphins. 

More specifically, your happiness chemicals are dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin. These endorphins make you feel good! They can affect your mood, intimacy, productivity, feelings of well being, trust, and motivation among other positive feelings.

But if you have low levels of these big three chemicals, it’s easy to feel lonely, stressed, anxious, and lacking the motivation to get things done. Luckily, you can increase your odds with these seven hacks.

7 ways to release more endorphins

1. Watch a Funny Video | Hack Your Happiness

Laughter helps you release endorphins. Turn on a funny video on Youtube, think of something funny in your life or even fake laugh. Like fake smiling, it can help you release the endorphins that make you feel good. Laughter truly is the best medicine.

2. Change Your Posture |  Hack Your Happiness

Tony Robbins talks about this at his seminars because it works. Changing your posture for as little as two minutes will help increase your confidence levels. It will also decrease cortisol (your stress hormone), which works against your feel good chemicals.

Stand like Wonder Woman or Superman with your chest up, chin out, and assume a strong posture to feel good nearly instantly.  

3. Use a Daily Goal List | Hack Your Happiness

Ever noticed that you feel good when you achieve something on your to-do list? Whether it’s exercising, finishing a book or getting your hardest task at work done, it always feels good.

There’s a scientific reason to explain that good feeling. It’s because you release a small amount of dopamine each time you check it off the list. Plus, the more goals you set the higher achieve your will probably end up in life!

Hack Your Happiness: 7 Proven Ways To Release More Endorphins Happy Fearless Soul Quote Quotes On How to be Heart Letting Go Sadness Break Up Divorce One of the simplest ways to be happy is letting go of the things that make you sad.

4. Look Back Into Your Past | Hack Your Happiness

Sometimes you might not be feeling as motivated because you’re in a state of stress. To offset this, look back in your phone or old picture albums to remind you of the good times.

Pictures always help get us through the bad times. Doing this can immediately release serotonin which will make you feel good. 

5. Get Some Fresh Air | Hack Your Happiness

If you’re feeling any of these negative feelings, change up your environment and get outside! Sunlight and changing your physiology can help you feel better after only 10-20 minutes. Take a break from work or walk your dog to get your body moving.

Hack Your Happiness: 7 Proven Ways To Release More Endorphins Happy Fearless Soul Quote Quotes On How to be Heart Letting Go Sadness Break Up Divorce One of the simplest ways to be happy is letting go of the things that make you sad. A smile is a curve that sets everything straight grin laugh laughing friend friends friendship mates best buddy pal fun times cool dude

6. Eat Dark Chocolate | Hack Your Happiness

Dark chocolate can help you release more endorphins in the same it feels after you get done exercising by releasing dopamine. But it’s only dark chocolate that is at least 70% cacao.

Try to limit this happines hack to a few times per week as the recommendation is only between 1.5 to 2.5 ounces.

7. Exercise Regularly |  Hack Your Happiness

If you want to feel good instantly, do some form of exercise. Whether it’s yoga, a group class or a full-on run you’ll almost instantly feel better as your brain gets flooded with feel-good chemicals.

Start using these hacks to increase your happines by releasing more endorphins. You can change your state and get more done with these helpful tips. Try to do one or two each day to start releasing more endorphins and feeling better than ever.



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