We all want to be happy in life. But how do we attain the elusive state of happiness? Are some people born happier than others? If happiness is a priority in your life, and you want to learn how to make it a permanent fixture in your world, read on for 5 principles to live by if happiness is a priority in your life.


5 Principles To Live By If Happiness Is A Priority In Your Life

1. Be grateful. 

Gratitude is scientifically proven to help rewire your brain. If you tend to seek out the negatives in your world over the positives, practice being thankful every day for the little blessings in your life. Do this consistently and watch your life change.

5 Principles To Live By If Happiness Is A Priority In Your Life

2. Love.

Love yourself, love others. Practice being loving towards yourself, in your thoughts and actions and naturally that love will flow onto others. When we come from a place of love and kindness in life we are living from the truth of our being, and happiness naturally becomes us.


3. Let Go.

Learning to let go is one of humanity’s greatest challenges. Us humans want to control everything! But life can’t be controlled. Learn to let go of expectations of others, worries of the past or future and fear of how things will work out and you will be much happier.

5 Principles To Live By If Happiness Is A Priority In Your Life

4. Have Faith

Having faith in something outside of yourself is a wonderful way to find inner peace and happiness. When we trust that there is a plan for us beyond what we can comprehend we let life’s magic bless us in all it’s unexpected ways. Whether it is God, The Universe or anything else, what you have faith in is irrelevant. It only matters that you have it.

5 Principles To Live By If Happiness Is A Priority In Your Life

5. Choose Happy

Happiness is not an accident, or something that some people are blessed with while others miss out. Happiness is a choice. If you want to be happy, you need to work at it. Practice positive affirmations, learn to manage your thoughts and take control of your happiness and your life.



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