Everything is energy. What you focus on, you become. What you put out into the universe is always coming back to you in some form. You are so much more than your physical body. You are vibration. You are energy.

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Transcript: You Are Energy by Jess Shepherd

You are energy
Do you really understand this?
Do you really get HOW you are energy?
Energy is flowing through you right now!
Energy is around you right now.
You are moving in energy
You are driving your car in energy
You are breathing in and breathing out energy (space for a breathe)
Your body is filled with energy
The thoughts you are thinking are energy
Your feelings are energy, your happiness is energy, your confusion, is energy.
The blood that is pumping around your body feeding every cell with oxygen is energy
Every part of you that is growing – your hair, your nails, if you’re a little person your limbs use energy to grow.
What you eat is energy
What you say, – what comes out of your mouth is energy.

you are energy

What you look at is energy – what you pay attention to gives it more energy.
If you watch things on TV you are giving your energy to what you watch.
If you listen to or watch things online, you are giving your energy to those things too. You are lining up your energy with those things.

Energy flows where attention goes.
What are you really giving your energy to?

It is your choice what you give your energy to. It is your free will to choose. What are YOU CHOOSING?

What does your energy look like? What does it feel like? Your energy is flowing in directions weather you want it to or not.
Your thoughts and your feelings direct your energy.
Do you know what happens to your energy when you trust?

When you trust that everything always works out for you. When you trust that you have purpose in this world
When you trust that you have more than enough of everything, When you trust you are enough

When you trust that you are worthy of receiving and you have value to give.
When you trust that there is more to you than what people see with their eyes
When you trust that you are a part of something bigger than you, something that is all knowing, all understanding and most of all loving.

When you trust, you allow, your energy relaxes, your cells relax, the tightness dissipates, the holding dissipates, the searching, the confusion, the disappointment RELAXES.

Your energy relaxes and flows more smoothly when you trust.
Suddenly you feel more balanced.
Suddenly you feel more worthy, you feel EASIER, happier, you feel more knowing and peaceful

Can you feel it, can you feel how trusting that everything will be ok, trusting that everything works out for you, trusting that you can heal your body,
Can you feel how this changes the energy within you?.

I can, I can see your energy smoothing when you say this and eventually believe it.
You know believing comes easy with practise. That’s how all you’re other thoughts have turned into beliefs, just with practise.

Let’s say it together, everyday and see how different we feel. Feel it coming from your heart.

Breathe it in and breathe out.
I trust that everything is working out perfectly for me.
I trust in the universe to bring me everything I need
I trust that the universe knows fully my plans, my potential, my inner most desires and dreams and I trust that the universe is doing everything it can to help me along my path at the perfect time.
I trust that I am worthy of happiness
I trust that I am worthy of love
I trust that I am of value to this world
I trust that I am a powerful creator and that if I can fill myself up with enough great feel good things that the opposite just won’t exist anymore.
I trust in my power to heal myself, to know myself, to be able to hear my true self.
I trust that my true inner self is speaking to me all the time and I trust that I can hear it. My feelings are the voice that let me know what is going on for my inner self. Not my spiralling rampaging emotions that coupled with thoughts can send me up the garden path, but my true feelings in my heart, the ones that when injected with love tell the real authentic story of the way I am feeling.
I trust that I am strong, capable and clever.
I trust that I am successful at being me first and foremost and the more in alignment I can be with myself the better everyone around me will feel.
I am emanating happiness, peacefulness and joy.
I love my life and I enjoy the journey.

I am energy



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