These 7 Ancient Hermetic Principles Will Make You A Spiritual Master Unlock The Secrets Of The Kybalion The 3 Three Initiates The principles of truth are seven, he who knows these understandingly possesses the magic key before whose touch all doors of the temple fly open. I Am FEARLESS SOUL

The 7 Hermetic Principles: The Ancients Guide to Spiritual Self-Mastery

The universe is built and runs on laws. The sun rises in the east sets in the west, and an apple falls, while a butterfly flies. These laws are ever constant and certain, and for millennia, the wisest among us have been united in pursuit of knowledge about them and how we can use them to live a more fulfilling life.

This pursuit would culminate in the seven Hermetic principles.

The Principle of Mentalism: All is mind, the universe is mental

The principle of mentalism is understanding that everything exists in the mind of THE ALL, and all that is was once a thought. By and large, the mind is the operating system. This knowledge enables one to apply their mental faculty to leverage all the other laws.

Therefore, to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life, you must recognize the power of your mind and use it to create the experience you want. For thoughts become things, and there is nothing under heaven that is not subject to the shaping spirit of your imagination.

 These 7 Ancient Hermetic Principles Will Make You A Spiritual Master Unlock The Secrets Of The Kybalion The 3 Three Initiates The principles of truth are seven, he who knows these understandingly possesses the magic key before whose touch all doors of the temple fly open. I Am FEARLESS SOUL As above so below; as below so above.

The Principle of Correspondence: As above so below; as below so above

Your external experience is solely a reflection of your inner world (as within so without) and one has to change for their life to change. Remember that every negative experience starts from within before it can manifest externally, and the only way to improve this is to alter your inner world.

First, take responsibility for everything in your life, for it is only from the acceptance that you can be able to change part of it. Next, transform your inner world despite the condition of your external world. Maintain a state of positivity and cheerfulness, and eventually, the pieces will start falling into place. Your outside world will in due course change to reflect your inner world.

The Principle of Vibration: Nothing rests, everything moves, everything vibrates

Everything that is, is in constant motion, and the only difference between different manifestations (matter, energy, spirit) is their level of vibration.

You too are in constant movement, and the state of your thoughts and emotions determine your rate of vibration; whether you are pulsing at a higher level or lower level. Lower vibrations manifest in negative experiences while higher vibrations manifest in pleasant experiences, and the ability to achieve desires faster. This incredible phenomenon is evident in masters who can change forms of energy by altering their vibration — otherwise known as miracles.

You too can raise your vibration for a better life by acts of kindness, watching your thoughts, or finding something beautiful and truly appreciating it.

Nothing rests; everything Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates. moves; everything vibrates

The Principle of Polarity | Hermetic Principles

Polarity personifies that everything is dual; everything has opposites, only that the opposites aren’t opposing but complementary. The only difference is the degree. They are two sides of the same coin.

Take hot and cold, they might seem different, but they are a measure of the same thing, temperature, tall and short are a measure of height, and the only difference is the degree. This principle is vital since you can change an emotion by varying the degree. Change hate into love, anger into peace.

The Principle of Rhythm | Hermetic Principles

“Everything flows, out an in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is a measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.” – The Kybalion

The principle of rhythm is evident in all areas; from the rise and fall of nations and dynasties to the changing seasons (winter to summer and back again). Even in our personal lives where we see highs and lows. Take how a period of enthusiasm results in a period of depression, or how fear ensues a period of courage.

Nothing escapes the pendulum motion. Understanding the Principle of Rhythm helps one attain mastery over their emotions and moods despite their external experiences. It empowers you to maintain a state of blissful serenity whether in profit or loss; in sickness or health.

 Everything flows, out an in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; Everything flows, out an in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall;

The Principle of Cause & Effect | Hermetic Principles

“Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to the law; chance is but a name for law not recognized, but nothing escapes the law.” The Kybalion

Nothing in this world is an accident or happens by chance. Chance is the name of a law not yet known. However, most of us are the effects and not the causes. We are swayed by other people, our emotions, and our environment. A great example is how we are dejected or infuriated after watching some negative piece of news. We are at the mercy of our external world, or better yet we are like pawns on the checkerboard of life.

The principle of cause and effect, calls you to be your own master. To be the cause and not the effect. To be the mover and not the moved.

The Principle of Gender | Hermetic Principles

Gender is universal. Everything has its masculine and feminine principles. At the physical level, this manifests as sex, but gender is also present at the mental level, and it is in everyone.

The masculine principle is the causation. It gives out and expands; it is the sun that scorches everything but still gives life, it is the desire to achieve something. The feminine, on the other hand, is the receiving; absorbing. It is the creativity, feeling, and imagination.

The two must work together. There must be a balance otherwise the masculine will result in a chaotic world without the feminine while the latter is likely to stagnate without the masculine. However, there is success when the two act together thanks to thoughtful action.

These are the seven hermetic principles; the path to self-mastery, and the key to a fulfilling life. If there is something we might have missed, please let us know in the comments below. Otherwise please share.



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