What Is Life About – Inspirational Speech by Fearless Soul

What is life about? Is it simply about obtaining success? What is success? Really, it is only a matter of opinion. To some success means money, to some success simply means doing what they love or being with those they love. Either way success can only be defined in one word, and that one word is HAPPINESS. It’s the reason we stress over money, chase the perfect partner or try to live up to the worlds image of what we should be – because we believe in getting those things we will one day be happy.

Life is not about proving anyone wrong, it's about proving yourself right #FearlessSoul Click to Tweet

What Is Life About – Inspirational Speech by Fearless Soul – Watch Free on Youtube
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Lyrics & Music Copyright: Fearless Motivation & Fearless Soul
Speaker: Terry Kellman

Lyrics – What Is Life About – Inspirational Speech by Fearless Soul

Life is not about proving anyone wrong
Life is about proving yourself right

Life is not about competing against others
But life is about competing against yourself
To make sure you are better than your previous self
Better than you were yesterday
To make sure you are growing every day
Developing, learning experiencing

Life is not about being perfect
It is about being happy
Not all the time
But every time you can.

Life isn’t about being right. It’s about being kind.
When you have a choice to be right or to be kind, choose kindness, choose love.

Life is not about noticing the negatives.
It’s about creating such huge positives the negatives pale in comparison.

Life is not about you.
It’s about everyone and everything. 
We are all connected and all sharing challenges and struggles. Be kind, lift others up, give freely without expecting anything in return and the world will return happiness and Abundance beyond your wildest dreams.

Life isn’t all about money
You can’t take it with you, so don’t stress about it.
This doesn’t mean you don’t deserve it or shouldn’t have it. 
You can create unlimited Abundance and use that to do good for others and yourself and you DO DESERVE IT, just don’t stress about it.
Money is great, but only when used with positive intentions.

Life isn’t about comparing yourself to others
Let everyone else be exactly as they are while you focus on being the best you

Your life is not defined by circumstances
Your life is not defined by what does or does not happen to you
It is defined by how you react to what happens to you. 
How you choose to react to the circumstances and events that arrive in your life.
It’s helpful to remember challenges are just tests. Hard times are test and character builders.

Never lose your spirit, because it is in our greatest challenges that our greatest strength is formed. That is when our character shines, right after the storm.

What’s really important is Who you become through all of life’s challenges.
What you make and accumulate will never be a match for ️Who you are and how much happiness you bring to this world

Don’t ever forget that.

You are a miracle. This world is a blessing. Life is a miracle.

Life is really what you make it.

Live every day like you are blessed. 
Live every day as if you are grateful to simply be alive. 
Be happy, no matter what happens and life will be the amazing adventure it was meant to be.

Your purpose, and my wish for you is simple:
 To be happy, to find happiness no matter what life throws at you

The purpose of life is to be happy, no matter what is thrown at you Click to Tweet

what is life about

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