We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us

We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us“We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.”  – Joseph Campbell

Humans like to control things. It’s in our nature to do so.

The very purpose of the human brain is to process and store information, to seek out risk and reward, and to analyse every aspect of our lives.

So it’s no surprise really, that for the majority of us, a ‘life plan’ seems like a good idea. Having a plan is logical and goes with the brain’s natural flow: To predict exactly what will happen next in every single moment of your life. But the problem is that our spirit doesn’t function in that way, and our hearts certainly don’t like to be told what to do. In fact, there are many aspects of our ‘human being’ that are in conflict to this analytical and controlled way of living.

Think about your 5-year-old self for a moment, did he/she want to have every part of their day mapped out and planned down to the minute details? No way!

So often though, as adults, we disconnect ourselves from the heart and the spirit, so that those child-like qualities and inner calls for freedom and expression go unanswered. We ignore the deep knowing, that tells us we may be in the wrong relationship or the wrong job, simply because we value comfort and certainty over living truthfully and expressing ourselves fully.

And then we wonder why we are sick, depressed and unfulfilled.

We become resentful and bitter when we ignore our truth. And not only to ourselves, but also to those people around us who are living a life that seems creative or spontaneous. We think over and over about the choices we could have made, the things we could have done, the places we could have gone. These thoughts seem to haunt us and regret becomes our most familiar internal story.

So how do we avoid this fate? The answer is simple, yet difficult.

In order to live the life that is our destiny, we must release fear; step into our personal power and trust that we are supported and guided at all times, in every way. We must understand that the quiet, inner voice that has been begging for our attention is not that of an immature child, but that of our spirit, our truth – and it deserves our attention.

Although none of us know what is around the corner, having a plan can seem like the best way to avoid pain, discomfort and disappointment. The reality is that we will experience those things no matter what: It is a part of being human.

Isn’t it better then, to have the pleasure of experience life while walking the path of your destiny, rather than avoiding it?

I know which one I choose. What is your interpretation of this famous quote? Share your ideas in the comments below.

We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us Click to Tweet

