Life Will Never Go Exactly To Plan… Learn How To Enjoy The Process

How do you make God laugh… tell God your plans…

Life Will Never Go Exactly To Plan… Learn How To Enjoy The Process – Watch FREE On Youtube:

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Speaker: Freddy Fri

Transcript – Life Will Never Go Exactly To Plan… Learn How To Enjoy The Process – (Motivational Speech)

Most people expect life is going to be like a bus trip…
 You simply choose your destination. You hop on the bus. You arrive at your destination. It’s fair. It’s straightforward and it’s easy…

But life is not like a bus ride… It’s more like a sail boat… You get on.
 You intend to go in a certain direction… but the wind takes you somewhere else….
There’s rocky seas, followed by calm seas, followed by dark nights, storms, crashing waves, some more calm and some more storms…

It’s up and down. You have to adjust to the wind. You have to survive the storms… and you have to endure the challenges if you want to see the sun shine another day.

In life things will never go to plan all the time. Sometimes it’s challenging. Sometimes it’s dark and stormy. You must keep going, you must remain strong if you want to enjoy the blessings that are coming.

The sun is always shining – even on the cloudiest of days. There is always a silver lining.

Sometimes those big crashing waves and those dark storms are sent to guide your boat in a different direction… A better direction. Sometimes GROWTH can only occur in deep pain. Sometimes there’s a deeper meaning for your life and if you’re brave enough to listen… you might just hear why.

Just because there’s storms and dark nights doesn’t mean life isn’t beautiful… That’s WHY life is beautiful.
It’s in those challenges and in that contrast that we discover life’s greatest gifts.

Life would be pretty boring if we just picked our destination and arrived at the same place day in and day out… The blessings come from the contrast.

The blessings are in our growth. The blessings are the rainbows after the storms – you know, the beautiful things that come after the rain, but only if you have your eyes open.

Don’t miss out on that magic by being blinded by the darkness. Believe life is a miracle and it will be one for you. Keep sailing, have faith you will reach your very own paradise – life might just have one more blessing for you yet.

enjoy the process

The blessings are in our growth. The blessings are the rainbows after the storms - you know, the beautiful things that come after the rain.
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