It does not matter how strong you are we all face dark times, it is in your darkest hour that you need the most strength. The power of mind to not give up, to hold on to hope, to restore your faith when all seems lost.

Your true character is determined in your darkest hour, you hold on and keep fighting when many would of given up. Yes you may of made mistakes, but that does not define you.

What matters most is that you have the courage to dream of a better future. It is always when we are at our lowest point, when we are just about to give in, that the miracle happens. So hold on, you are nearly there.

10 Quotes That Will Give You Strength & Power In Your Darkest HourIn Your Darkest Hour These 10 Quotes Will Give You Strength & Power

You have gained so much strength and wisdom, you are closing in on the person you always wanted to be. You are so much closer than you realize. All you have to do is keep believing. New energy is on the way.In Your Darkest Hour These 10 Quotes Will Give You Strength & Power

Everything thing you are experiencing is giving you the strength and the skills you will need for that life you have been planning. Trust the process, you are closer now than you have ever been.In Your Darkest Hour These 10 Quotes Will Give You Strength & Power

There is no-one that is fearless. The true definition of courage is feeling fear but acting anyway. Go ahead and jump into your next challenge. Be courageous.In Your Darkest Hour These 10 Quotes Will Give You Strength & Power

The fears we refuse to face become the limit of our growth. If we are to afraid to ask the hard questions we will never know where we might have ended up. The longer you wait the longer you are holding up your destiny.In Your Darkest Hour These 10 Quotes Will Give You Strength & Power

How true it is, the strongest people have fought demons no-one even knew existed. You are not alone, there are many others in a similar struggle. So be kind to the next person you sit next to, for they may be facing battles we know nothing about.In Your Darkest Hour These 10 Quotes Will Give You Strength & Power

You can exert a lot of control over your thoughts, feelings and reactions. The more you can control your mind the more power you have over your oppressors. The power of positivity can be not be undersold. If you are capable of seeing it in your mind, you can achieve it. Let no-one kill your dreams.
In Your Darkest Hour These 10 Quotes Will Give You Strength & Power

Much success has been born in the greatest adversity. It is often when people are at breaking point that they resolve to never accept such circumstances again and become possessed with making their dreams a reality.In Your Darkest Hour These 10 Quotes Will Give You Strength & Power

It takes time. If you are in a job you hate or an unhealthy lifestyle, sometimes it’s not possible for an overnight change, you have to fight. They best way out is through. Save your penny’s, plan your vision & learn the skills you will need when your future comes calling.In Your Darkest Hour These 10 Quotes Will Give You Strength & Power

There is purpose in this pain, everything happens for a reason, it may take years to realize the reasons why, but in time you will know, you will look back on the darkness and smile. Because it made you unstoppable.

In Your Darkest Hour These 10 Quotes Will Give You Strength & Power

It is nearly time for you to take a leap of faith, but if you don’t fully believe, you will falter. Step forward with strength, faith and confidence because it is your time to shine. You just have to believe in yourself completely, and the universe will clear a path for you.



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