When you can LIVE fully in the present moment, when we can enjoy and appreciate the JOURNEY, our life becomes a beautiful destination, and end in itself.
The P...
Let me start by asking you a question. Just today, how much time do you think you have spent thinking about your past? An hour? Maybe more?
Perhaps you’re mo...
Alan Watts was a British philosopher, writer, and speaker. His powerful speeches and words challenge the status quo, and they encourage each of us to discover o...
Pain is a necessary part of life but suffering is not. We suffer in life when we refuse to let go of the things or people that have hurt us. Here are 20 Inspira...
Jim Carrey is possibly the most famous tv comedian of our time. The much loved actor, impressionist and producer is also a big believer in the power of the law ...
To be mindful is to be present in your life without constant and incessant judgements, labels and criticisms. When we are mindful, we experience life as it is, ...
Thich Nhat Hanh is a famous spiritual leader, poet and peace activist. His powerful teachings on mindfulness and peace have inspired millions across the globe, ...
Oprah & Eckhart Tolle - Living In The Present Moment
We felt pulled to create this video featuring two of our favorite humans: Oprah & Eckhart Tolle,...
Eckhart Tolle is one of the most influential spiritual teachers of our time. He is the author of the New York Times best seller “The Power Of Now” which has sol...