Be The Change You Want To See (Truly Inspiring Speech)
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Be The Change You Want To See (Motivational Speech) Watch FREE On Youtube:
Speaker: Tyrone Stokes
Transcript – Be The Change You Want To See
So many people expect change in others. .. expect change in the world, but are never willing to change themselves first.
If you want to see change in others you must first BE THE CHANGE YOU WISH TO SEE
If I want others to be better: I MUST BE BETTER
If I want my love ones to change, I MUST BE THAT CHANGE.
If I want my kids to become a certain way : I MUST LIVE that way, I must BE THAT EXAMPLE.
Not TELL them how to be, but BE that person. If I want them to be kind to others: I must be kind to others.
If I want them to live fully as themselves and not wear any masks to fit in with others: I must be that person, free from fear of judgement, and live as I WISH TO LIVE.
If I want them to be giving, I must be giving. Giving of my time, my love, my spirit, my presence.
If I want them to be healthy, I must live healthy… in every area.
If I expect others to be grateful: I MUST BE GRATEFUL FIRST. I must show my gratitude.
If I want others to LIVE the life they want to live: I MUST SET THAT EXAMPLE by LOVING the life I live.
If I want other people to make happiness and love a priority in their life: I must make happiness and love a priority in my own life.
If I expect others to be KIND: I must be kind, I must be compassionate.
If I expect others to listen and be understanding, I MUST listen, really listen, and really try to understand.
I do expect all these things, so I will live as these things. I will live, as the person I expect of others . I will be the change, that I wish to see.