Some days, finding endless inspiration is easy. We see it in nature, in relationships, even in the mirror! Other days, inspiration can feel a little further away. If you are looking to be inspired today read 7 Deeply Inspiring Short Quotes We Should All Live Our Lives By


7 Deeply Inspiring Short Quotes We Should All Live Our Lives By


1- The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart. Helen Keller – Inspiring Short Quotes

For many of us our experience of life is driven only by what we can see and touch on a physical level. The true magic however, goes way beyond the physical realm and exists in the space of the heart. Love, joy, gratitude; all of these exist in the heart space. A life well lived is a life in pursuit of the things which activate our spirit and light us up from the inside.

7 Deeply Inspiring Short Quotes We Should All Live Our Lives By

2- Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud. Maya Angelou – Inspiring Short Quotes

It’s not news that throughout our time on earth there are many moments where we can feel sad, lonely, frustrated and angry. The gift in this is that we aren’t alone in those feelings. We are unified in the challenges of this human experience. Knowing this, means knowing that the greatest gift we can give the world is kindness, empathy and compassion. Make a decision to live your life as a beacon of light in what can feel like a dark place.


3- Believe you can and you’re halfway there. Theodore Roosevelt- Inspiring Short Quotes

Where you place your thoughts and beliefs can be either our greatest asset or our greatest weakness. When you choose to hold a mindset of self belief you send a clear message to the Universe that you trust the divine order, and you vibrate in alignment with that. You know with confidence that life will ALWAYS work in your favour. Embrace this way of thinking, and you are already half way to achieving your dreams.

7 Deeply Inspiring Short Quotes We Should All Live Our Lives By

4- Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present. Jim Rohn – Inspiring Short Quotes

Happiness is not a place, person or thing that lies somewhere in the future. Happiness is now. It lies in the stillness and presence in your mind and the depth of the breath in your lungs. Happiness comes instantly with the decision to allow yourself to BE happy. Don’t waste another moment of your life pursuing happiness. Create it, right now.

7 Deeply Inspiring Short Quotes We Should All Live Our Lives By

5- What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you. Ralph Waldo Emerson- Inspiring Short Quotes

You are powerful beyond measure. Once you understand the power of your divine essence, no amount of external challenges, limiting ideas, shitty circumstances or asshole people can stop you from creating the life you want. You are here to do wonderful things. Never forget that.


6- Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls. Joseph Campbell- Inspiring Short Quotes

Do more of the things that make you forget to check your phone. Spend more time doing the things that make you wonder where the time went! Life opens itself up to you when you live in a pleasure state, a bliss state, the state of joy and gratitude.


7- The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.  Ralph Waldo Emerson- Inspiring Short Quotes

You are the creator of your life and the master of your destiny. You and you alone are in charge of mastering your mindset, healing the pains of your past, and learning WHO you need to become in order to HAVE the life that you want. Don’t spend your life as a victim, waiting for things to get better. Take control of your destiny and create the life of your dreams.


Do you have a favourite inspirational quote? Share it in the comments.



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