You Cannot Be Lonely If You Like The Person You Are Alone With(Inspirational Speech)
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You Cannot Be Lonely If You Like The Person You Are Alone With (Inspirational Speech) Watch FREE On Youtube:
Speaker: Freddy Fri
Transcript – You Cannot Be Lonely If You Like The Person You Are Alone With (Inspirational Speech)
Wayne Dyer once said:
“You can not be lonely if you like the person you are alone with”
If you love who you are… If you are at peace with who you are… If you know you aren’t in this world to live up to others expectations and society’s judgements… Then you don’t need others to fill a void, because there is no void to fill.
They might say you NEED friends to be complete… you NEED to get out more… you NEED to be more social…
The people who say this are almost always the same people who can not sit alone by themselves for even 1 minute without feeling lonely… because they can’t stand their own company.
The same people who can’t sit alone for 1 minute without being “bored”, without picking up their phone and doing something to get a dopamine hit of attention – sending a message, posting something on social media, checking their inbox or how many likes they have.
I don’t know about you, but I’d prefer to live at peace with who I am, rather than be addicted to needing attention to feel a sense of self worth.
Let’s be clear. There is NOTHING wrong with being around others, or spending time with friends.
The more time you can spend with people you love being around, the better.
People who get you… people who are in sync with you… people that are EASY to be around… People who make the conversation EASY, effortless, fun.
What I am saying here is that the goal is getting where you don’t NEED to be around others for your completion.
You enjoy company of others, but you enjoy being alone just as much.
When you get to that place… that is magic.
Those who can fly alone have the strongest wings. Those who can walk alone have the strongest direction.
Those who can be alone, and remain at peace, are those who will always be ok, with or without company, with or without attention. So love others, enjoy great people and great company, but work on you first, work on you, until you enjoy your own company, more than any other.