These little choices make a huge difference in the quality of your life:

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The Little Choices Really Do Make A Big Difference

When you get to the end of your life…
 will you have PRIDE in the consistent choices you made throughout your life?
 or REGRET in the poor choices that led to a lesser quality of life than you were capable of living?

The little choices you make EVERY DAY add up… In EVERY area of your life… EVERY time… WITHOUT exception.
 They can add up positively… or negatively.

The choices you make, consistently can add up to a life you love… or a life that is suffering the consequences of bad decisions.

When you add up ALL of your choices over weeks, months, years… a LIFETIME… the difference in the quality of life you live can be VERY different depending on the choices you have made.

It’s never ONE BIG moment that defines your success or happiness in life… it’s the little things… it’s every-thing. EVERY-LITTLE- THING. It’s EVERY choice you make EVERY day.

The choice to sleep in… or the choice get up early and work out… Compound those choices over many years and you have two very different lives… both in fitness, mentality and quality of life.

The choice to be grateful for all you do have… and practice that every day… or to be resentful and bitter, always complaining about what is missing… what is NOT THERE.
 Compound those feelings over years, and you have 2 very different lives.

The amazing things that come to someone who is in genuine appreciation for everything that IS GOOD in their life… and the negative circumstances that arise from the person who is constantly complaining about what is not there.

Every choice matters.

If you do… or you don’t say “Hi” to that person, that one little moment could have changed your entire life…
If you do or don’t pick up your phone while driving, that one choice could change everything…
If you do or don’t read that book…
If you do or don’t eat those things that you know you shouldn’t, or those you know you should…
If you do or don’t stand for something you believe in… if you do or don’t stand up for yourself…
If you do or don’t compare yourself and compete with others…
If you do or don’t to daily gratitude, daily exercise, daily meditation, consistent healthy eating…

If you have only just realized that the choices you have made over a long period have lead you to a place you don’t want to be – START NOW PAVING A NEW PATH… a path made with stronger choices, that lead to a better destination.

EVERY CHOICE from this moment forward is shaping YOUR FUTURE. You are the master, the captain, the director of your life. You write the book, and the next chapter starts RIGHT NOW. You decide where these coming chapters are going based on the PATH YOU ARE PAVING right now, today, tomorrow and in the future with every choice you make.

Who you will become in 1,5,10 years will be very different depending on the choices you make in every moment… Who you will become will depend on the choices you make with consistency.

When you get to the end of your life… will you have PRIDE in the consistent choices you made throughout your life? or will you live with the REGRET because of poor choices that led to a lesser quality of life than you were capable of living?

The choice is yours. In every moment. In every day.

Make those choices consciously, in presence, in confidence and without caring what anyone else expects from you.

This is your journey, and when you make choices that you know are best for you, from a place of intuitive knowing, from your heart – you can bet those choices will lead to better outcomes for others as well.

EVERY CHOICE from this moment forward is shaping YOUR FUTURE. You are the master, the captain, the director of your life. Click to Tweet

the little choices



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