I came across this powerful poem today and want to share it with you.

Words that should be read every day until they are engrained in our very being…

“I shall pass through this world but once.
 Any good therefore that I can do…
or ANY kindness that I can show…
to ANY human being,
let me do it NOW.
Let me not defer or neglect it,
for I shall not pass this way again.“
– Henry Drummond

Don’t save your BEST for another day – that day might never come.
 Don’t save your kindness for tomorrow, tomorrow may never come.

Whatever you want to do… DO IT NOW.
 Whatever you need to say… SAY IT NOW.
 Whoever you want to be – BE THAT person NOW. Be that person today.

We aren’t guaranteed tomorrow. Not you, not I, none of us. All we have is now.

Why are we afraid to LIVE FULLY NOW?
 Why should we be afraid to express our true selves?

Why should we live in fear of others opinions?
 We shouldn’t.

Let it all go.
 Let it all go, knowing you have no guarantees of tomorrow.

The world deserves your BEST today. You deserve the blessing of knowing you gave your best TODAY.

Every day, remind yourself of how blessed you are to get another day, and make sure you give your very best to that day. You may never pass this way again.

You may never get the opportunity to tell the people you love how you really feel.

What if you never got that opportunity again?

What if the people you love never knew how you felt about them. What if they never knew what they meant to you?

Don’t defer or neglect it – Tell them today.

Today is the day.
 It’s the day to feel good.
 It’s the day to get grateful about all the blessings that ALREADY exist in your life.

What could you really be grateful for if you looked hard? 

Today is the day to DO GOOD. What can you do for someone today to make their life better?

It doesn’t have to cost money. It can be a smile. It can be some words of encouragement.

Remind yourself of this poem every day:
“I shall pass through this world but once.
 Any good therefore that I can do…
or ANY kindness that I can show…
 to ANY human being,
let me do it NOW.
Let me not defer or neglect it,
for I shall not pass this way again.“



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